KSG Connect

We’re continually researching, reading and discussing in order to stay on top of our game as well as to keep our clients informed. Welcome to KSG Connect, where we share the latest in healthcare hiring trends, executive recruiting strategies and general information about the healthcare industry.


Job Search Strategies for Sales Leaders

In a competitive job market, getting noticed can feel like a daunting task. Here at Kester Searh Group® we have helped thousands of candidates stand out in the crowd.  Based...

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Don’t Finish Second in the Race for Your Next Job

In the competitive world of medical sales, finishing second means you didn’t get the job. At Kester Search Group®, we understand that there’s no consolation prize in the job market—you’re...

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Latest News & Insights

What We’re Reading: Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business

This award-winning book by Gino Wickman, delves into achieving the business success you’ve always envisioned. Wickman, an entrepreneur since the age of 21, outlines strategies for strengthening the six key...

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What We’re Listening To: Boosting your Productivity by Making Time for Better Strategy

In this podcast episode, Richard Medcalf speaks on strategies for achieving success. Drawing from his acclaimed book, “How to Be Less Busy and More Successful,” Richard shares insights learned from...

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