KSG Connect

We’re continually researching, reading and discussing in order to stay on top of our game as well as to keep our clients informed. Welcome to KSG Connect, where we share the latest in healthcare hiring trends, executive recruiting strategies and general information about the healthcare industry.


The Four Pillars of Professional Services Selection

When it comes to choosing a professional services firm, businesses have a myriad of factors to consider. Based on our extensive experience working with countless companies across various industries, we’ve...

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Keys to a Successful Executive Recruiting Hire

Executive searches are among the most critical decisions your organization makes, often with far-reaching implications for the entire business. These searches can be time-consuming and complex, requiring alignment among key...

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Latest News & Insights

What We’re Listening To: Fixable

Harvard Business Professor Frances Frei and CEO Anne Morriss talk to guest callers about their workplace issues and help uncover solutions to their problems in 30 minutes or less. From...

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What We’re Reading: Raving Fans

This book written by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles delivers stunning customer service recommendations and best practices to help achieve improved bottom line results for your organization. Get your copy...

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Events & Networking